Raptor Dark Rum 750mL
Raptor Dark Rum 750mL
Raptor Dark Rum is a robust navy-style rum at 50% alc/vol. The rich, heavy body with oak and vanilla flavor profiles compliment its strength, leaving a pleasant aroma lingering in your mouth without evaporating. This rum is our best-seller and has been dubbed as the "Bartender's Love!", a must-have on your shelf.
Our rums are made from 100% sugar cane, distilled locally in St. Albert, AB.
50% alc./vol.
Please note it is your responsibility to ensure the package is received by someone of legal drinking age with valid ID shown at the time of delivery. We're not able to refund you if your package is delayed or rejected.
Alcoholic Beverages only shipped within approved provinces (AB, BC, SK, MB). Prices include Deposit & Recycling Fees.